
Completing border zone road

Boris Gleb road reconstruction

Most of the border zone road from the Norwegian-Russian border crossing at Boris Gleb towards Nikel, was modernized in 2003. Now the remaining parts are being modernized.


When the border zone road was reconstructed and modernized in the first half of this decade, the last kilometre before entering the Russian border station was not included in the work. The modernizing in 2003 was financed by Norway in order to facilitate for easier travel across the Norwegian-Russian border. However, the Norwegian funds did not cover the entire work and thus the last section was left without any improvements.

This spring Russian road authorities have started the completion of the work which was initiated almost 10 years ago. The reconstruction will bring the last kilometre up to the same standard as the rest of the road, with wider roadway, no narrow curves and better road surface.

Boris Gleb road reconstruction