The designs and solutions for Russia’s two new aircraft carriers do not meet modern standards, a source in the Russian Navy headquarter told newspaper Izvestia. “What we have been offered is in fact an old Soviet aircraft carrier of the “Ulyanovsk”-model”, the source argues.
Ship designers from the Krylov and Nevsky design bureau in Sankt Petersburg have for the past two years worked on a new aircraft carrier model. Now, the designers are requested by the Navy to come back with new models and solutions already before the end of 2012, Izvestia informs.
Russia has plans to construct two new nuclear-powered aircraft carriers by year 2027. One of the ships is to be ready for operations already in 2020. The ships will be based in the Northern and Pacific fleets respectively.
As previously reported, former Navy Commander Vladimir Vysotsky in 2008 announced the Russia will built new aircraft carriers. However, as noted by Izvestia, the ships are not included in the military budget plans for the period until 2020.
Russia today has one aircraft carrier, the “Admiral Kuznetsov”, which is based in the Northern Fleet. Reportedly, also this ship, which entered service in 1991, is to undergo modernization and the installation of nuclear power facilities is being considered, Wikipedia informs.
There are today 12 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers operating on the world seas, among which 11 are U.S. and one French.