
Living with nature

Trine Danielsen Beddari is head of Birk Husky.

Trine has made her great passion, dog mushing, into a way of living. But along with her passion comes a worry about the growing industrial interest in the vast mineral resources of the north.


One year as a teacher at Pasvik folkehøgskole gave Trine the chance to teach dog mushing to the students at this ”open air” school. After the year had ended, she stood without a job, but with a renewed belief in taking people out in the woods with the dogs, sharing the love for nature with them.

She started her company Birk Husky, and has gone through years of trial and error, as many small scale entrepreneurs often do. Today the business is running, and every year tourists from Europe have the chance to taste local food and visit the area in summer, and move into the forests with dogs and sleds in the winter.

Trine also has stood out as a spokesperson for the environment. When the iron ore mine Sydvaranger Gruve started their quest for iron ore in 2009, with Australian investment backing, she started a Facebook group demanding that the company must stop poisonous spills in the fjord.

Trine lives in Melkefoss with her family. She is educated a teacher, but left schoolwork to pursue her dreams. She is now a small scale entrepreneur with her own tourist company Birk Husky. 

In cooperation with: borderstories.no