
EU offices hold Murmansk-workshop

On October 14th the North Sweden, North Finland and North Norway European offices, in collaboration with the Norwegian Barents Secretariat, invites to a workshop in Murmansk.


The event is part of the EU’s Open Days. The European Union’s OPEN DAYS - European Week of Cities and Regions, is an annual event held I Brussels, and it has become the leading event in the regional policy calendar. For 4 days, more than 7000 participants meet in Brussels to discuss a whole range of issues relevant to the implementation of European Union cohesion policy.

Second part of the Open Days event is local seminars and workshops all over Europe. The North Norway, North Sweden and North Finland offices has decided to locate their event outside both the EU and EEA, and will be held in Murmansk on the 14th of October. This is the same week as the foreign ministers of the Barents Region gathers in Murmansk and the same week as the Murmansk Economic Forum is arranged. Energy and development of oil and gas fields in the Barents Sea is one of the hot topics of the High North at present. Therefore it is natural to choose Murmansk as host city of a local Open Days event.

The workshop will be held at the Meridian Hotel in the centre of Murmansk, and the central theme will be “Regional Cooperation for Regional growth”. There will be presentation both by EU representatives and by the Nordic counties. In addition there will be presentations concerning logistic challenges of the High North.

You can read the programme for the seminar at the website of the Norwegian Barents Secretariat.