
“One of the most important towns in Norway”

Pikene på Broen (Photo

The Kirkenes-based culture promoting group “Pikene på Broen” (Girls on the Bridge) is awarded a prize for “making Kirkenes one of the most important towns in Norway”.


The Eckbo Legacy’s has awarded Pikene på Broen the legacy’s culture prize for 2009, newspaper Finnmarken reports. The prize amounts to 200.000 NOK.

As reasons for the award the legatees say that “Pikene på Broen has contributed in making Kirkenes one of Norway’s most important towns and through their conscious promotion of contemporary art they have turned traditional conceptions of geopolitics, center and periphery upside down”.

The jury also points out that Pikene på Broen not only promote art but also contribute to local development and employment connected to production and promotion of art.

Pikene på Broen is a company of art curators and producers who since 1996 have worked with cross-border art projects in the Barents Region. Their most important projects are the Barents Spektakel festival, the Barents Art Triennale and Transborder Cafes.