
Fighters for India tested in Barents


Four MiG-29K jet fighters designed for the Indian Navy have conducted test flights from Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier in the last two days.


The four naval fighter jets have Monday and Tuesday this week successfully made several take offs and landings on Russia’s only operating aircraft carrier, Admiral Kuznetsov, in the Barents Sea, according to the Indian news agency PTI. reports that the test pilots where Russian, but Indian naval officials were onboard the aircraft carrier and observed the MiG-29K test flights.

The Indian Navy will use the Russian built MiG-29K fighter jets onboard the aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov, currently under upgrading at the naval yard in Severodvinsk. As earlier reported by BarentsObserver, India will pay USD 2.2 billion for the former Soviet aircraft carrier. The vessel is scheduled to be completed and handed over to the Indian Navy by December 2012.

This week’s test flights over the Barents Sea are just the start of the Indian Navy’s testing. Before Admiral Gorshkov will sail to India, the Indian Navy will conduct a year-long sea trail in the Barents Sea slated for 2011-2012, as reported by BarentsObserver this summer.

Upon takeover from Russia, Admiral Gorshkov will be renamed INS Vikramaditya.

The experience and results from the fighter jets deck landing and take-off tests from Admiral Kuznetsov this week benefits both the Indian and Russian Navy. BarentsObserver reported last week that also Russia plans to buy 24 new MiG-29K for Airwing Kuznetsov. Today the aircraft carrier has 19 Su-33 fighter jets- They need to be replaced within 2015.