The shut-down was triggered at 10:29 am Sunday morning in accordance with the Kola nuclear power plants safety parameters. Reactor No. 4, commissioned in 1984, is the newest of the power plant’s four reactors. Rosenergoatom, Russia’s state-own company operating the plant says the alarm was false and that there were no violations of any safety limits.
The reactor was restarted again Monday morning at 5:31 local time after the device triggering the false alarm was changed. All four reactors are now operating.
Kola nuclear power plant assures that the radiation levels in the area around the plant are within normal background level.
The emergency shut-down comes just two days after a 10-day long comprehensive safety audit of the plant. All reactors were subject to testing in the period from November 12th to 22nd. Leading experts from a broad range of nuclear power related enterprises have worked on verifying the safety at Kola NPP, Rosatom reports at the company’s portal.