The herders are gathering the animals, marking, counting and separating them into those to be slaughtered and those left for breeding.
Photo:Tatiana Egorova
When the “Elle” ensemble started dancing, the herders joined in.
Photo:Tatiana Egorova
The reindeer herders are enjoying the dance performance.
Photo: Tatiana Egorova
"Elle" says the dance show is a small tribute to the herders staying at the tundra without their families for such a long time
Photo: Tatiana Egorova
Oleg Filippov is separating the animals into those to be slaughtered and those left for breeding. When that is done, he will migrate to winter pastures.
Photo: Tatiana Egorova
The reindeer herders had waited for the dance ensemble for quite some time when they finally arrived at the tundra base camp.