"Severodvinsk" Russia's newest nuclear powered multipurpose submarine. Here sailing out the Litsa fjord on the Kola Peninsula.
Photo: Russian Ministry of Defense
After being released from the tower of "Severodvinsk" at a depth of 40 meters, the chamber popped up on the surface in tthe Litsa fjord like a cork and rescuers soon arrived to save the test-crew.
Photo: Russian Ministry of Defense
Five crew members took part in the test, but the chamber is said to be able to carry the entire crew of 90 from the "Severodvinsk" submarine.
Photo: Russian Ministry of Defense
The rescue chamber is taken back to port. In the background, the Northern Fleet's rescue ship "Rudnetsky" the same vessel used to lower the Russian minisubmarine in the failed attempt to assist the crew from the sunken "Kursk" submarine in the Barents Sea back in August 2000.