In their proposal to local and federal authorities the organizations state that the establishment of the national natural reserve “Onezhskoye Pomorye” is included in the government’s decree “Concept for development of particularly protected natural territories of federal importance until 2020” of 22nd of February 2011.
Establishment of the “Onezhskoye Pomorye” reserve has been on the agenda already for 15 years and the ecologists believe that the question should not be postponed any longer.
“The main purpose for establishing the is to protect and preserve the unique White sea taiga areas and to protect the traditional way of life in the historical Pomor villages along the White Sea coast”, a press release from the Social and Humanitarian Research Center of Arkhangelsk reads, according to DvinaInform.
For a faster procedure of the “Onezhskoye Pomorye” park establishment it is suggested to include this territory into the already existing Kenozero National Park. As the ecologists point out, the unique experience of the park’s work, as one of the best in Russia, can allow for a plan for measures on ecological and nature preservation to be worked out within a short time.