
Norway abandons Arctic navy base

Norwegian submarine (

Amid its bid to step up military presence in the High North, Norway now leaves its Arctic navy base of Olavsvern.


The decision to abandon the base, located outside the city of Tromsø, has spurred protests from powerful groups in the Norwegian Armed Forces. They argue that the Norwegian parliament made a major mistake when it decided to close the base.

In a letter from the Norwegian Naval Society (Norges Sjømilitære Samfund), officers write that the base is of major importance and that it should be included in the Norwegian government High North strategy. Leader of the organisation, Mr. Bjørn Krohn, says to NRK that many Navy representatives now are angry with the decision to close down the base, the northernmost of Norway’s navy bases.

-Since the Russian Northern Fleet has started to move around in the North, it would be a major mistake to abandon Olavsvern, the newest and most modern Navy base of Norway, he adds.

He is supported by Rolf E. Pedersen, a retired Navy general inspector. –The parliament’s decision to close the base was a disaster. Both the submarine fleet and the new MTBs need the base, he says to NRK.

Also several politicians now say they want the parliament to reassess the issue. Parliament deputy from the Socialist Left Party, Mr. Bjørn Jacobsen, originally voted in favour of the decision, but now says he wants new discussion about the base.

The decision to close down the base comes in a period with top government focus on the High North. That includes also a high military presence in the region.

Since 2003, the small base has been subordinate unit of the bigger Haakonsvern base outside Bergen and no units have been permanently stationed there. The primary military task of the base has been to support Norwegian submarines and military torpedo boats operating outside northern Norway