Russia’s parliamentary elections will be conducted on December 4 to elect 450 members to the State Duma for the next five-year period. The main aim for the OSCE mission is to assess the election for compliance with principles for democratic electoral processes.
Nordic Council sends three observers, Michael Tetzschner from Norway, Jeppe Mikkelsen from Denmark and Helén Pettersson from Sweden. The Norwegian Parliament sends Morten Høglund, Sigvald O. Hansen, Karin Woldseth and Øyvind Vaksdal.
The Nordic observers will stay in the Moscow area, but others of the 160 OSCE observers will be deployed throughout Russia.
The day after the elections, the observers will issue a statement of preliminary findings and conclusions. Some two months later, a final report of the entire electoral process will be issued by OSCE.
To qualify for the allocation of mandates, political parties need to receive at least seven per cent of the valid votes. In addition, political parties receiving between five and six per cent of votes are granted one seat and those between six and seven per cent of votes, two seats.