Statistical trends indicate growth in higher education in the Barents Region. Still, some big contrasts dominate the regional picture, with the Swedish counties on top and the Russian at the bottom.
A declining number of cattle brings economic challenges to the fore in the Barents Region. While Norway may be facing job loss in its second largest mainland business, Russia struggles to preserve post-sanctions food supply.
KIRKENES: Warmer temperatures at the bottom of the Barents Sea are of big concern to ecologists in the High North. Certain marine species are disappearing from the ecosystem while others are increasing in number. The impact on Russia’s fisheries sector is crucial.
As the price on gold reaches record heights, the Barents Region brings its noble riches to the fore. With an annual output of five tonnes, Lapland is expected to produce gold for at least another twenty years.
While the world is talking about an Arctic meltdown, another type of “ice” is building up in the North. Extraction of diamonds is an increasingly promising part of the Barents mining industry.
Komi Republic is the coal mining center of the Barents Region. But despite its regional importance, the Komi coal sector is not a top priority on the federal level.
In 2000, the average inhabitant of Nenets Autonomous Okrug earned $1,460. Twelve years later, the average annual income had increased by 1650 percent to $24,100.