
Radio Sweden

Some Radio Sweden stories are posted on BarentsObserver as part of Eye on the Arctic, a collaborative partnership between public and private circumpolar media organizations.

Content by Radio Sweden

Although the Social Democrat / Green government has been in power for a year, this is the first time they will be governing with their ow

Some 15 years ago, officials were alarmed by the rapid decline of wild salmon populations in Sweden’s Vindel River but now it seems restoration work as paid off for the fishes.

Seven activists protesting against the international military exercise Arctic Challenge were arrested for trespassing on Tuesday when they entered one of the airports taking part in the exercise, Swedish Radio’s local channel in Norrbotten reports.


Dogs have been “man’s best friend” long before humans settled down through the advent of agriculture.


A new study from Gothenburg University’s SOM Institute shows that more and more Swedes want Sweden to join NATO.

After years of planning, the first steps of tearing down and moving the Arctic town of Kiruna started today in Sweden.

A number of major corporations are calling for higher taxes on carbondioxide emissions and more ambitious climate goals than the red-green government.

Warm weather and a weak European economy brought a dip in Swedish electric energy use in 2014.

Members of a Swedish civic organisation collected and delivered more than 20,000 signatures from individuals protesting the proposed construction of a nuclear power plant in northwest Finland by the power consortium Fennovoima.

This is based on a mental health index compiled by the organization Mind, using statistics from the Swedish Public Health Agency and Stat