
The first step in acidification research at the north pole

British arctic explorers take the first ever samples of ocean water.


A group of British explorers have taken the first ever samples of ocean water from the North Pole according to a report by the UK’s Guardian newspaper.

Researchers with the Catlin arctic survey hopes to measure how fast the Arctic Ocean is acidifying because of CO2 levels. They are also looking to see what affect acidification may have on climate change and plant and animal life in the region.

The earth’s high north region has seen the most severe impacts from global climate change according to some scientists. This research will be used as a foundation for further studies on the impact of CO2 levels in the region.

According to the article, oceans around the world have seen a 30 percent increase in acidity compared to pre-industrial levels. Scientists say carbon emissions from human activity can be blamed. Cold water absorbs more CO2, which means northern oceans are at risk of acidifying faster.