The pollution in the Norwegian-Russian border areas was on the agenda when President Medvedev had political talks with Prime Minister Stoltenberg in Oslo on Tuesday. After the joint meeting, Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg announced at the press-conference that measures will be taken to reduce the emission.
The Russian President gave signals that the authorities will contribute with necessary effort to reduce the pollution from the nickel-production in Pechenga, according to a press-release posted at the Norwegian Ministry of Environment’s portal.
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A working group with representatives from four different ministries and the Norilsk-Nickel combine is established to ensure progress in the work. The working group will report directly to first-deputy Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov.
Also Russia’s Accounting Chamber will take a closer look at the emission from the nickel-production in Pechenga.
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The pollution of sulphur dioxide (SO2) from the nickel plant in Nikel is four to five times higher than the total emission from all SO2 sources in Norway. At the roasting plant in Zapolyarny and the smelter in Nikel the total emission of sulphur dioxide (SO2) was near 100 thousand tons in 2008.