The huge battle cruiser enters the largest dry-dock Russia has north of the Arctic Circle, at shipyard No. 82 in Roslyakovo north of Murmansk.
Navy spokesperson Vadim Serga says to RIA Novosti the maintenance is in accordance with the original plans for the vessel.
Powered by two nuclear reactors, “Pyotr Veliky” is the flagship of the Northern fleet, with Severomorsk as homeport.
With dock-repair work on the haul this autumn, the battle cruiser could be sailing until 2018 when a larger overhaul and re-equipment is planned to take place at the Sevmash naval yard in Severodvinsk, the Moscow Times reports.
Speaking to the newspaper, Maxim Shepovalenko with the Centre for the Analysis of Strategies and Technologies says Russia’s naval rearmament program stipulates for new destroyers and cruisers in the late 2020s.
Until then, the “Pyotr Veliky” will sail the world’s oceans from the Kola Peninsula.