The charges against Ivan Moseev are high treason and incitement of ethnic hatred. The case files read that Moseev have been used by Norwegian secret service to destabilize the social-political situation in Arkhangelsk.
The court case was postponed two weeks ago because of Moseev’s treatment in hospital. He is now out of hospital and the court will start proceedings Wednesday morning 10 am.
The Moseev-case has triggered massive media-attention in both Norway and Russia after BarentsObserver first reported about the up-coming court hearings two weeks ago. A Norwegian foreign ministry spokesman told BarentsObserver that the case causes concern.
In addition to claiming Ivan Moseev worked with support from Norwegian secret service, the case files read: “With support from foreign networks Moseev has been carrying out activities aiming at making federal Russian authorities recognize the Pomors as an indigenous minority of the North and including their territory of residence under the jurisdiction of international law, which can lead to a violation of Russia’s territorial integrity.
Moseev has for years been promoting the cultural and historical links between people living in Russia’s White Sea region and the people in the town of Vardø in northeastern Norway.