Statoil ASA, together with partners Eni Norge AS and Petoro AS, has established a plan for further exploration drilling in the Skrugard area. The objective is to follow up on the Skrugard and Havis discoveries and to test further upside potential in this area of the Barents Sea, including production licences PL532 and PL608.
“We are very satisfied with our recent exploration achievements in the Barents Sea. In less than a year, we have made two substantial oil discoveries in PL532, proving 400-600 million barrels of recoverable oil. We have also drilled a successful appraisal well on Skrugard confirming volume estimates and collecting data for field development planning,” says Knut Harald Nygård, Statoil vice president for exploration in the Skrugard area, inn a press release.
The four prospects will be drilled back to back with the West Hercules drilling rig, which will be winterised to meet the weather conditions in the Barents Sea. Statoil’s ambition is to complete drilling of all four prospects by late spring/early summer 2013.