
Rushes for Barents oil data

Norwegian Petroleum Directorate signs €22 million contract for acquiring seismic data in the Barents Sea.


The contracts with Petroleum Geo-Services (PGS) and Dolphin Geophysical will provide for collection of comprehensive knowledge about petroleum resources in Norway’s maritime border areas to Russia. The two countries newly agreed Barents Sea maritime border entered force last summer.

Two seismic vessels will do the acquisition from May to August. The hunt for oil and gas will be done by two special equipped vessels and is a follow up of the research started last summer in the areas that by Norwegians is believed to be the new oil province of Europe.

In addition to the shelf in Norway’s southeastern Barents Sea, seismic acquisition will also be done in the waters around the Island of Jan Mayen in the Norwegian Sea.

Two new oil discoveries are announced in the western part of the Barents Sea over the last half year, as reported by BarentsObserver.

”The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate acquires seismic data on assignment from the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy. The funding for the acquisition has been allocated in the 2012 state budget,” says Lars Jensen, project manager for this summer’s seismic survey with the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate.