
Andrey Shalyov

+7 8182 65 10 43

Andrey Shalyov is head of the Norwegian Barents Secretariat office in Arkhangelsk, where he has been working since 1996. Andrey is graduated teacher of history from the Arkhangelsk State Pedagogical Institute (now Northern Arctic Federal University). For some years Andrey worked in the rural schools as a teacher and headmaster and after “Perestroika” in the Soviet Union was head of ideological department of the Regional Komsomol (USSR Lenin’s Communists’ Union of Youth) Committee. He was very active in the political clubs and public organizations established in Arkhangelsk in the period of transformation.

After the first Soviet open elections, Andrey Shalyov worked as a head of the working group of the People’s Deputy of the USSR. In early 90-s he was a director of the Youth Information and Research Center in Arkhangelsk and later worked as a head of international department of the Northern State Medical Academy. In 2010 Andrey Shalyov became Norway’s Honorary Consul in Arkhangelsk.

Content by Andrey Shalyov

This unique dairy barns is designed for Arctic conditions. Farmers of northern Norway and Russia’s Arkhangelsk region are now teaming up for cooperation.

Russia adopts budget-2015. It is not too optimistic both for the center and the regions.

During the celebrations of last year’s Navy Day the Presidents of the Russian Federation and Ukraine were pr

The Arctic information and analytical center will have a strong focus on national security topics.

Barents Regional Council adopts Climate Action plan, first to be implemented in Barents Russia. Plans for better cross-border transportation are also in pipe.

Russia taking first steps in development of the Arctic zone. 

Arkhangelsk city and Norwegian Barents Secretariat cooperate on making the annual winter festival international.

ARKHANGELSK: Two decades of relations-building was marked when the Margaritinskaya trade fair took place this weekend.

The northernmost Russian national park wants to open its territories for more tourists. Could Norwegian experience be useful?

Russian church demands special status for two of the main tourist attractions in Barents Russia, Solovki and Valaam archipelagos.