
Andrey Shalyov

+7 8182 65 10 43

Andrey Shalyov is head of the Norwegian Barents Secretariat office in Arkhangelsk, where he has been working since 1996. Andrey is graduated teacher of history from the Arkhangelsk State Pedagogical Institute (now Northern Arctic Federal University). For some years Andrey worked in the rural schools as a teacher and headmaster and after “Perestroika” in the Soviet Union was head of ideological department of the Regional Komsomol (USSR Lenin’s Communists’ Union of Youth) Committee. He was very active in the political clubs and public organizations established in Arkhangelsk in the period of transformation.

After the first Soviet open elections, Andrey Shalyov worked as a head of the working group of the People’s Deputy of the USSR. In early 90-s he was a director of the Youth Information and Research Center in Arkhangelsk and later worked as a head of international department of the Northern State Medical Academy. In 2010 Andrey Shalyov became Norway’s Honorary Consul in Arkhangelsk.

Content by Andrey Shalyov

ARKHANGELSK: Russians are back to their jobs after Christmas. The economists and business analysts however continue to complain that these 20 extra days of vacations in January and in May bring a serious loss to the national economy.

A large-scale clearance work is under way to eliminate the scrap-metal dump near the world-famous Solovki Monastery in the White Sea.

Margaritinskaya Fair in Arkhangelsk becomes a brisk meeting place for the partners in the Barents cooperation.

Arctic might help Russia to restore status of Great Power.

May 17th parades in both Murmansk and Arkhangelsk were attended by both locals and Norwegians. See BarentsObserver’s photogallery.

The energy county of Norway could be a model for new oil and gas cluster in the Russian Arctic.

20 years of Barents cooperation has helped eliminating stereotypes and prejudices, but more work is needed to make the changes irreversible. The conference “Breaking Stereotypes in the Barents Region” that opened in Arkhangelsk yesterday marks the beginning for a new program for better cross-cultural communication.

Norway, Estonia and Sweden are the countries with largest increase of Russian tourists.

Foreign cruise vessels will make port call to Arkhangelsk and Solovki 14 times this summer.

Nenets Oil Company and Northern Arctic University (NARFU) establish a Nenets auditorium in Arkhangelsk and opens a filial in Naryan-Mar.