

Your search for "castberg" gave back 23 results.
... program started with five wells in the vicinity of Johan Castberg . These wells were critical to clarify the oil potential in the area in order to plan the development of the Johan Castberg field. The oil discovery in Drivis will be developed as a part of ...
... Working on a development model for the prospective Johan Castberg field, the Norwegian energy company announces two more drilling ... and from the northern Norwegian regions to bring the Castberg oil to land-based facilities . As previously reported, the ...
... be unprofitable with the low oil price. Statoil’s Johan Castberg field will need an oil price of $67 and Lundin’s Alta/Gohta will ...
... Statoil finds more oil in the Castberg area, but the volumes might still not be sufficient for a major field ... West Hercules is located only few kilometers from the Johan Castberg and Havis structures in the Barents Sea. The new project ...
... However, still no oil in the Johan Castberg area in the Barents Sea, so the search for exploitable oil resources ... oil in the so called Iskrystall prospect of the Johan Castberg field.The field is situated approximately 240 north of the Norwegian ...
... Out of five wells drilled in the Johan Castberg area only two have resulted in oil discoveries. ... Concluding the exploration program around the Johan Castberg field, Statoil announced Friday the discovery of some 44 to 63 million ...
... well could prove additional resources around the Johan Castberg field, Statoil’s so far only discovery in the Barents Sea large ... ago when Statoil decided to put off the development of Johan Castberg field for the time being.  Located some 240 kilometers north of ...
... from the Norwegian government to land oil from the Johan Castberg field. (Photo: Øyvind Hagen, Statoil) ... We need more time to decide how to develop the Johan Castberg field in the Barents Sea, Statoil CEO Helge Lund says. ...
... Sea as Statoil is postponing the development of its Johan Castberg field. (Photo: ... new low. Statoil postpones the development of its Johan Castberg field. By ...
... government lessens Statoil’s rush to develop Johan Castberg field, the so-far only large oil discovery in the Barents Sea. ... its decision to delay the investment decision for the Johan Castberg field (formerly named Skrugard and Havis) in the western part of the ...
