
Statoil did not discover oil in the controversial Apollo well near Bear Island.

Billions are invested in the Zvezda yard outside Vladivostok to make it capable of meeting Russia’s growing demand for ice-protected ships and platforms.

The U.S. Interior Department cancels two future offshore leases in Chukchi and Beaufort seas and will refuse requests from oil companies to renew existing leases.

A planned modernization of Gazprom´s Prirazlomnya platform will increase production capacity from 22,000 tons to 100,000 tons per day.

The Novy Port will be ready for export of two million tons of oil in 2016.

The last pipe has been laid at the 482 km long Polarled Pipeline, the first Norwegian pipeline stretching north of the Arctic Circle.

Chinese companies will provide a lion’s share of the technology needed for Russian offshore energy projects, the government plans.

Activists briefly blockaded a Shell icebreaker in Portland, Oregon, USA in July 2015.

Results of its multi-billion dollar efforts in the Chukchi Sea have been “clearly disappointing,” states the oil giant.

Both Gazprom and Rosneft want the license to the Murmanskoye field in the Barents Sea. 

Security at Russian offshore installations is at risk as oil companies are unable to get hold of needed spare parts. 

For the first time, Norway’s gas exports is now worth more than its exports of oil.

Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority and Rosatom have signed a set of joint notification procedures in case of nuclear incidents.

We will start exploring the Arctic waters in 2019, the company says.

Two new wind farms will make northern Norway the biggest wind power producer in the Arctic.

The cuts in state funding are connected both to the increasing monopolization of the sector and to the difficult economic situation, Minister of Natural Resources Sergey Donskoy said.