Over the 10 year period the festival has existed it has grown in size and contents every year. With concerts, art installations, exhibitions, political debates and all kinds of small and large events it has been hectic for the five employees at Pikene på Broen.
“When the 10th festival was over this February we felt we had to slow down and cast a glance back and forth into our future, and see where we are heading for”, says art director Luba Kuzovnikova in Pikene på Broen.
The festival has now grown bigger than the art curators are able to produce annually. They need longer production time for the already started projects, and for future projects that they develop with artists especially for each festival.
“It takes time to develop new ideas, and produce them into high quality projects that we can present to our beloved audience”.
Pikene på Broen must also use much time to raise funds to be able to present a festival program of a certain quality and size, and to be able to pay all the festival invoices.
“We are looking forward to Barents Spektakel 2015 that will take place in February 4 – 8. Meanwhile, just as before, we are very much likely to come by, accompanied by artists from Norway, China, France, Russia, or other countries, who will visit us to do their research in the Barents borderland and eventually create artworks that will be presented at the next festival”, says Kuzovnikova
Pikene på Broen wil continue to collaborate with their partners and associates in Sør-Varanger and other places and try to maintain their current staff.