-In our opinion, investments in technology on capture and storage of CO2, as well as in energy saving, are reasonable, company representative Erve Madeo told the environmentalists. At the same time he highlighted that the Shtokman gas contains a low level of CO2, only between 0,3-0,4 percent, Bellona.org reports.
He also confirmed that the Shtokman Development AG is about to develop such solutions for the project, and that part of that process is the localization of underground geological structures for storage of the climate gas.
Shtokman power
The Shtokman company in the meeting also confirmed that a gas power plant will be built to supply power to the LNG plant. Previously, speculations have indicated that nuclear power would be applied in the project. Some have also underlined that wind power should be used.
No delays
Despite the economic crisis, the Shtokman project will not be postponed, leader of the Shtokman Development AG Yury Komarov underlined in the meeting. He also said that all issues regarding technological solutions were decided late last year and that the detailed project design now is completed, Bellona reports.
Mr. Komarov also maintained that economic downturn will make equipment and goods cheaper and that the price of the Shtokman development therefore will drop considerably.
The meeting between the Shtokman operator and the environmental organizations were the third of its kind. No press representatives were allowed to attend the meeting.
-I hope for a dialogue with mutual respect, Shtokman Development AG representative Erve Madeo underlined, adding that he preferred do discuss the issues in a relaxed manner without new reporters.