
The BarentsObserver

Following repressive action from owners, and consequent fear of dismissal among editorial team members, BarentsObserver has introduced a byline moratorium. 

The ambition of the BarentsObserver remains as follows:

“Newspaper BarentsObserver publishes free and independent news and comments about the Barents Cooperation, the Barents Region and the Arctic for a wide international audience. With focus on good journalism, analysis and reviews, as well as the dissemination of other stakeholders’ viewpoints, BarentsObsever is promoting freedom of speech” 

Content by The BarentsObserver

Norway’s Foreign Minister Børge Brende has asked Russia for an explanation to the high number of asylum seekers coming to Norway via Russia. Syrian refugees that have lived in Russia for a long time, will be stopped on the border and sent back.

A series of high-level talks were held in the run-up to today’s session in the Barents Euro-Arctic Council.

Statement delivered by Foreign Minister Lavrov ahead of Barents meeting is bound to stir controversy in Finland 

The Norwegians are known as staunch supporters of the Barents Cooperation. But they show a clearly fading engagement in the Barents Regional Council. 

We want to strengthen cross-border regional cooperation in the Barents Region, the new Chair of the Barents Regional Council says.

Russia’s only aircraft carrier, the Northern Fleet’s “Admiral Kuznetsov”, has finished repairs and is ready to leave the port of Murmansk. According to a Russian news agency, the vessel will sail to Syria.

The BarentsObserver editor gets compensation from Barents Secretariat board.

The Norwegian Coastal Administration has developed a mobile application that makes mapping of oil spills easier and faster.

The Finnish Defence Command is starting a three-day evaluation visit to Alakurtti, the base for Russia’s new Arctic special forces.

The environmental organization Bellona Murmansk was on Monday dissolved as a NGO after it was declared a «foreign agent» by Russia’s Justice Ministry earlier this year.