
Statoil did not discover oil in the controversial Apollo well near Bear Island.

Billions are invested in the Zvezda yard outside Vladivostok to make it capable of meeting Russia’s growing demand for ice-protected ships and platforms.

After a fierce battle with Rosneft and Gazprom, the Russian government gives in. Non-state companies will not get any breakthrough in Russian Arctic waters.

Having lost the fight for access to the shelf, Lukoil eyes drilling along the Russian Arctic coast.

The Chinese National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) strikes a deal with Rosneft over the exploration of three fields in the Barents and Pechora Seas.

The best alternative according to Statoil is to develop the field using a floating LNG plant, rejecting the planned pipeline to Teriberka outside Murmansk .

Tax increases announced last month by the Norwegian government lessens Statoil’s rush to develop Johan Castberg field, the so-far only large oil discovery in the Barents Sea.

Gazprom is ready to start drilling the first well on the Prirazlomnoye field in the Pechora Sea by the end of October 2013.

Russian coast guard yesterday boarded Greenpeace’s vessel “Arctic Sunrise” and arrested 25 activists from the “Save the Arctic” campaign who tried to hinder the work of Gazprom’s drilling platform “Prirazlomnaya”.

The development of a LNG plant in Karelia is to help boost the level of gasification in Murmansk.

The projected LNG plant on the Nenets tundra will crash without the support from Gazprom.

The gas company will in 2014 start seismic mapping of up to seven of its license areas in the far northern waters.

A survey reveals negative reactions to Rosatom’s involvement in the planned nuclear power plant south of Oulu following the current Crimean crisis.

Russia and China are poised to ink a deal that could see up to 60 billion cubic metres of gas flowing east from Siberia to Beijing every year for nearly 30 years.

The Russian Presidential Aide on Arctic and Antarctic affairs Artur Chilingarov enters Rosneft’s board.