
The 29th Midnight Sun Film Festival held in Sodankylä, Lapland, wrapped up Sunday. 25,000 visitors flocked to see films in the northern cult festival.

KAUTOKEINO: Even though the Kildin Sámi language is at risk of dying out, the culture and traditions can be saved through music.

Hålogaland Theater performed Hamlet in Arkhangelsk. Many of the audience said that the performance stands out from all the other Hamlet interpretations they have seen before.

In Tromsø, Norway the 25th international music festival “the Northern lights” was held. The festival gathered professional musicians from all over the Barents region.

KIRKENES: Norway’s military border guards to Russia follow the signals of North Korean mass games instructors creating living pictures in a spectacular art-show.

Sparkling ice sculptures decorated the central square of Arkhangelsk, as the best sculptors of Arkhangelsk and St. Petersburg showed their skills in a recent festival competition. See our photo slide show of the sculptures.

MURMANSK: Film producers from all over the Barents Region gathered in Murmansk last week to share their work and unite journalists of the Northern countries.

Mari Boine from a concert in Lovozero on the Kola Peninsula.

Norwegian Sami world star musician Mari Boine from Finnmark to hold concert in the Russian capital on May 31.

Tromsø International Film Festival presents Fritz Lang’s METROPOLIS - with live soundtrack - at the Polar Lights International Arctic Film Festival in Murmansk on Thursday.

Many people grow up with a dream home in mind, a home to raise a family in, a home fit for the perfect life. Zhenya Goman’s dream home takes shape as a dilapidated hovel in the suburbs of Murmansk.

Adam Zetterqvist speaking at the Barents Press International Meeting in Levi, Finland on May 7, 2011. Photo: Ora Morison

Young eyes looking at the Barents Region right now see something they want to share with the world.

The cathedral in Kola (

Activists in the “Young Guard” – a youth organization of the United Russia Party – call for the rebuilding of the historical cathedral in Kola bombed and destroyed during the Crimean War.

Photo: Destination Tromsø

It will be the first ever Chess Olympiad in the Barents Region.

Natural gas is not only of high importance for the Russian economy, but also for Russia’s cultural life as the Shtokman field in the Barents Sea gets its own symphony.

The 2014 Sochi Olympic Winter Games

Regional authorities in Murmansk have proposed to the Russian President that the region becomes official training ground for athletes ahead of the 2014 Sochi Olympics.