
The 29th Midnight Sun Film Festival held in Sodankylä, Lapland, wrapped up Sunday. 25,000 visitors flocked to see films in the northern cult festival.

KAUTOKEINO: Even though the Kildin Sámi language is at risk of dying out, the culture and traditions can be saved through music.

The Khibiny mountains (

Regional authorities in Murmansk have approved plans for a major extention of the skiing resorts in Kirovsk, in the central part of the Kola Peninsula.

Photo: Destination Tromsø

The Norwegian Government gives a NOK 70 million guarantee for the planned Chess Olympiad 2014 in the northern Norwegian city of Tromsø.

Kirkenes Jazz- og Rockeklubb

E-mail: [email protected].
Facebook: Kirkenes Jazz- og rockeklubb

Address: P.O. Box 438, 9900 Kirkenes

Address: P.O. Box 17, 9915 Kirkenes

Do you seek information about culture in Sør-Varanger or Pechenga?
Underneath is a list of institutions and facilities on both sides of the border.

Address: Boks 345, 9915 Kirkenes
E-mail: [email protected]

Address: Parkveien 19, 9900 Kirkenes :: On the map
Post: PO.Box 142, 9915 Kirkenes
Tel: +47 78 97 76 35, +47 47 64 45 19, +47 48 17 49 89 (mob)
E-mail: [email protected]

Kirkenes library

Address: Dr. Wessels gate 18 (the town square), 9900 Kirkenes :: On the map
Tel: +47 78 99 32 51, Fax: +47 78 99 31 54
E-mail: [email protected] Website:


Address: Kirkenes, Presteveien :: On the map
Tel: +47 78 99 24 68, Fax: +47 78 99 37 53
E-mail: [email protected]

Pikene på broen office building

Address: Storgata 8, PB 180, 9915 Kirkenes :: On the map
Tel: (+47) 78 99 38 79, Tel/Fax: (+47) 78 99 38 78, Mob: (+47) 91 68 17 41
E-mail: [email protected]

The Norwegian and Russian ministers of culture signed a three year detailed cooperation programme in Moscow on Sunday.

The Norwegian Governor of Svalbard has requested the Pomor Museum in the Russian settlement of Barentsburg to hand over historical objects, which he believes are poorly preserved by the Russians. However, the Pomor Museum refuses.