
Putin, Medvedev to reshuffle offices (again)

Vladimir Putin and Dmitri Medvedev at the United Russia party congress in September 2011.

To-be-President-current-Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and to-be-Prime Minister-current-President Dmitri Medvedev officially announce change of offices.


The announcement came when Dmitri Medvedev and Vladimir Putin gave speeches at Saturday’s congress of the United Russia party in the Russian capital.

The well organized announcement was applauded heavily by the 10,000 party members that were listening to Dmitri Medvedev’s speech. The speech was sent live by the English language Kremlin-pro Russia Today as well as the major national TV stations in Russia.

See the speeches with english translations here: 


First Medvedev entered the stage:

- I consider it to be the right move for the congress to support party’s leader Vladimir Putin as a presidential candidate, the President said.

Shortly after Medvedev’s announcement to support Putin’s presidency Putin himself entered the stage and announced his idea to place Medvedev to head the Government.

Putin started his speech with the following words: -Friends, today we have gather here define out plan for the future.

Then Putin thanked the delegates in the party for their positive reaction to the suggestion that he should run for President in the upcoming March 4th Presidential election.

Later in the speech he said:

- I’m sure the United Russia Party will win {the December State Duma election} and, having nationwide support, Dmitry Medvedev will form an effectively-functioning young team of managers and head the government of the Russian Federation to continue then modernization of all aspects of our life, former President, current Prime Minister and coming President Vladimir Putin said with applause from the 10,000 party delegates in Moscow.