
Some 1000 parents and children in the Komi Republic have received help through the Barents cooperation program “Children and youth at risk”.

Alexander Stubb, famous in the Barents Region for branding the north as the world´s most sexy region, is put on track to take over after Jyrki Katainen.

Marina Kovtun was Friday officially appointed Governor of Murmansk Oblast by the members of the regional Duma. 30 candidates voted for her – three against.

Marina Kovtun of Murmansk is ranked as number four of all governors of Russia when it comes to media openness, a recent survey shows.

MURMANSK: The barracks today housing Titovka Road Café was nearly 20 years ago the start of Norwegian, Russia transport and logistics cooperation. Knut Arild Hareide from the Norwegian Parliament now wants to take the joint work to a new level.

Dozens of Russian newspapers have over the last few days reported that Dmitri Medvedev is to blame for ceding away Russian shelf holding oil worth €30 billion.

In a rapidly changing Arctic, the region’s indigenous people are standing at the forefront of climate change and resource development – a situation that’s putting them increasingly in the international spotlight and raising questions about their role in Arctic policy making.

Foreign Ministers will pursue and concretize the direction of the cooperation set by the new Kirkenes Declaration signed at the Barents Summit.

You can follow the meeting from 9 am Norwegian time Tuesday 29 October.

“We can not with indifference look at the events unfolding in Ukraine,” the city mayor of Murmansk says in a letter addressed to his counterpart in the Crimea.

Marina Kovtun, who yesterday resigned from post as Governor of Murmansk Oblast, has good chances of winning the elections in September, both analytics and politicians say.

Murmansk has seen its first demonstration against Norway’s adoption of EU’s sanctions against Russia. On Monday a dozen people gathered to protest against foreign influence on Norwegian policy.

With the appointment the Arkhangelsk Governor becomes one of the most influential advisors to President Putin.

“Whatever the pressure, Rakurs will continue to support LGBT community, to provide legal and psychological help. And we are going to challenge this wrongful decision in the court,” says Tatiana Vinnichenko, head of the organization.

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin on Saturday posted several tweets from Norway’s Svalbard archipelago. Rogozin is on EU and Norway’s sanction list of individuals not allowed entry.