
Climate Crisis

As summer Arctic sea ice melts away to nothing, it’s important to remember that not only is the ice shrinking in size - it’s also getting younger and thinner.

The ice floe carrying the floating research station North Pole-40 is breaking up. Scientists and equipment need to be evacuated before long.

A new study of ocean acidification in the Arctic shows that the oceans are more acidic. The last 200 years the average acidity of the surface increased by about 30 percent worldwide, and the Arctic is particularly vulnerable.

The unprecedented melting of Arctic sea ice is the reason for this year’s extraordinary cold spring weather in northern Europe and North America, researchers say.

Diplomats and fisheries officials from five Arctic states will meet in Washington later this month to discuss regulations on commercial fishing near the North Pole.

Scientists from Russia’s Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute and Scripps Institution of Oceanography (USA) will conduct a joint research mission to the Arctic this summer.

Arctic sea ice has passed its annual maximum extent and is beginning its seasonal decline through the spring and summer. While total extent was not at record low, it remained well below average through March.

Russia’s Emergency Ministry says temperatures in the Arctic will warm up twice as fast as the rest of the globe.

The ice covering the Arctic is 5,2 percent less than the normal and also thinner than average, Russian meteorologists report.

Southern Scandinavia is freezing cold, some places dropping down to minus 35, while Norway’s Arctic coastline has temperatures above zero. Most of the Barents- and Kara Seas are still ice-free.
