
Climate Crisis

Russia, one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases and a key stakeholder in handling the global climate challenge, is out of the extended Kyoto Protocol.

First ever LNG tanker from Finnmark sailed to Japan via the Northern Sea Route successfully accomplished safely in a sign that climate changes is impacting energy transport. See the photos from the pioneer voyage.

Ice loss is fifty percent higher than predicted. The Arctic might be all free of summer ice within a decade, data from ESA’s Cryosat programme show.

We could be facing another record low level of ice in the Arctic this summer. After a period of rapid ice loss through the first half of June, sea ice extent is now slightly below 2010 levels, the previous record low at this time of year.

As the summer Arctic sea-ice declines, polar bears are swimming hundreds of kilometres nonstop to find food.

With air temperatures from 4 to 8 degrees above average, the ice extent in the Barents Sea in February reached the lowest level recorded since satellite surveillance started.

This satellite image of the ice pack on the Atlantic side of the Arctic was taken last Saturday and tells a story you have never heard in February: The entire Kara Sea east of Novaya Zemlya is ice-free.

Unusual warm weather in the Barents Region makes headache for winter tourism. Santa Claus’ home is nearly without snow and ski-resorts have record late season opening.

Higher sea water temperatures have led to northwards migration of marine species that can create problems for the Arctic cod and other fish stocks in the Barents Sea, scientists believe.

The maximum extent of Arctic sea ice before melting season starts is at its lowest ever measured by satellites. Without ice the Polar bear hardly survives.
